Prosecutor Brammertz at the capacity building seminar in Kigali

Prosecutor Serge Brammertz was present today at the advanced training seminar on the prosecution of international crimes that took place in Kigali, Rwanda. With 35 prosecutors from Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya participating in the seminar, the training addressed a broad range of investigative, evidentiary and practical issues and skills that commonly feature in international and complex criminal cases. The seminar is a result of a joint initiative of Prosecutor General of Rwanda Jean Bosco Mutangana, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, Swiss Government and MICT and ICTY Office of the Prosecutor.
Having met with the Rwandan Prosecutor General, Prosecutor Brammertz spoke with the local media stressing the importance of a continued cooperation of the two prosecution offices on the exchange of information, with special focus on the search for the eight ICTR fugivites. He added that this seminar was an important capacity building opportunity, organized with the objective to strengthen the national capacity for the prosecution of war crimes, as ’the best place to have international crimes prosecuted is at the national level, close to the population affected.’