Construction bidding underway for new Arusha branch premises

On Monday 3 November, the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) held a public opening of bids for the construction of the new home for its Arusha branch. This timely tender opening marks a key advancement in this project. The submission of bids will be followed by the fair and transparent evaluation of the firms that will be competing for the construction of the new premises.
"The successful firm will not just build walls meeting UN requirements. It will build a gateway to justice open to all, through this facility's courtroom, archives and library," said the MICT Registrar, John Hocking.
The design of the facility is centered around a single, prominent tree that symbolises justice in many parts of Africa. Located on a pristine site donated by the government of Tanzania, the complex will be energy-efficient, lean and minimalistic, reflecting the essence of the Mechanism, a lean and efficient institution itself.
The project of the construction of the MICT’s new premises has entered its third year, since it was first approved by General Assembly Resolution 66/240 in December 2011. Construction is planned to start at the beginning of 2015, with occupancy scheduled in early 2016.
For more info, visit our MICT facility page.