Appeal Judgement in Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić scheduled for 8 June 2021: Accreditation procedure now closed

The accreditation procedure for those wishing to attend the pronouncement of the Appeal Judgement in the case of Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić by the Appeals Chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) is now closed. The Appeal Judgement is scheduled for Tuesday, 8 June 2021 at 3.00 p.m. CEST in the Courtroom of the Mechanism’s Hague branch.
Accredited media will be notified by email of the status of their accreditation and collection details today.
Non-media representatives who have requested to be accredited will also be informed by email of the status of their request.
The hearing will be broadcast with a 30-minute delay on the Mechanism’s website.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions on the Mechanism’s premises, the available space allocated to the accredited media will be very limited and include access to the Mechanism’s lobby as well as to a dedicated press area outside of the Mechanism building. The accredited media representatives will be able to follow the broadcast of the proceedings with a 30-minute delay.
Accredited media wishing to record the pronouncement of the judgement will be able to do so with a 30-minute delay from the lobby and/or dedicated press area outside of the Mechanism’ building.
Please note that there will only be a limited number of feeds available for the accredited media wishing to record the delayed broadcast. Journalists wishing to connect to the feeds for the delayed broadcast should bring compatible equipment and a BNC cable.
The accredited non-media representatives will be able to follow the hearing live from designated areas inside the Mechanism building.
Please note that any recording of the live streaming will be strictly prohibited.
For any information regarding the accreditation procedure or the pronouncement of the Mladić Appeal Judgement please contact:
Helena Eggleston, Spokesperson at +31 (70) 512 5691 or +31 6 11 92 37 43 and
External Relations Office at +31 (70) 512 5231 and