Prosecutor Serge Brammertz to visit Zagreb and Pula

Mechanism and ICTY Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will be in Zagreb and Pula from 12 to 14 October.
As part of the preparations for his regular biyearly reports to the UN Security Council (UNSC), the Prosecutor will meet in Zagreb with Minister of Justice Dražen Bošnjaković and State Attorney General Dinko Cvitan to discuss cooperation with the ICTY and MICT, prosecutions of war crimes by the Croatian judiciary and regional cooperation in war crimes justice in the Western Balkans. It is expected that the Prosecutor will present his reports to the UNSC in December.
On 13 October Prosecutor Brammertz will officially open the Sense Transitional Justice Documentation Centre in Pula. The following day, on 14 October, the Prosecutor will participate in the panel entitled 'The prosecution of destruction of cultural and religious heritage at the ICTY and other courts, its pioneering aspects, challenges and ways forward' at the Conference on the destruction of cultural heritage, post-war reconstruction and trust building. The Conference is organized by Sense – Transitional Justice Documentation Centre, Documenta Zagreb, Humanitarian Law Centre Belgrade, History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo and Europa Nostra.