Judgement in Prosecutor v. Nzabonimpa et al. scheduled for Friday, 25 June 2021: Accreditation procedure now open

The Single Judge of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (“Mechanism”) has scheduled the pronouncement of the Judgement in the case of Prosecutor v. Anselme Nzabonimpa, Jean de Dieu Ndagijimana, Marie Rose Fatuma, Dick Prudence Munyeshuli, and Augustin Ngirabatware, for Friday, 25 June 2021 at 12:00 EAT/ 11:00 CEST in the Courtroom of the Mechanism’s Arusha branch.
The accreditation procedure for media and non-media representatives wishing to attend the pronouncement of the Judgement is now open.
Media representatives wishing to enter the premises on that day must submit an accreditation request to mict-press@un.org by Thursday, 24 June 2021 at 16:00 EAT.
Accreditation requests should include the full name of the media outlet, journalist(s), cameramen, and other technicians, as well as passport or ID number.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions on the Mechanism’s premises, the available space to be allocated to the accredited media will be limited to the Library area only. Accredited media representatives will be able to follow the broadcast of the proceedings with a 30-minute delay from the Library area. There will be no accreditations for the public gallery.
Members of the diplomatic corps and other members of the public wishing to attend the pronouncement of the Judgement should request accreditation by sending an email to mict-press@un.org by Thursday, 24 June 2021 at 16:00 EAT.
The available space for the members of the diplomatic corps and others will be very limited and will include access to dedicated areas inside the Mechanism’s premises where the hearing will be broadcast with a 30-minute delay. There will be no accreditations for the public gallery.
Accredited media and non-media representatives will be notified by email of the status of their accreditation and collection details by Thursday, 24 June 2021 at 18:00 EAT.
More information on COVID-19 restrictions and procedures to follow prior to entering and while on the Mechanism’s premises will be communicated to the accredited media and non-media representatives via email in due course.
The hearing will be broadcast on the Mechanism’s website with a 30-minute delay. More information about the Mechanism’s hearing schedule can be found in the Court Calendar.
Technical information
The hearing will be publicly broadcast on the Mechanism’s website with a 30-minute delay and will be available at the following link: https://www.irmct.org/en/cases/mict-courtroom-broadcast. The hearing can be followed in English, French, and Kinyarwanda.
The Library area will be equipped with work spaces, power outlets, and a Wi-Fi connection. Please note that there will only be a limited number of feeds available at the Library area for accredited media wishing to record the delayed broadcast. Journalists wishing to connect to the feeds for the delayed broadcast in the Library area should bring compatible equipment and a BNC cable. The pronouncement of the Judgement will be broadcast in English, but the audio feed will be available in English, French, and Kinyarwanda.
Furthermore, filming of the proceedings will be carried out by authorised Mechanism staff and an audiovisual copy of the pronouncement of the Judgement will be distributed after the hearing is complete. Media wishing to obtain footage of the hearing should send a request to mict-press@un.org. Please note that footage can be provided in the MP4 format and it will include the option of English, French, Kinyarwanda, or floor channels.
Case Background
On 24 August 2018, Judge Seon Ki Park confirmed an Indictment against Maximilien Turinabo, Anselme Nzabonimpa, Jean de Dieu Ndagijimana, Marie Rose Fatuma, and Dick Prudence Munyeshuli (Turinabo et al.), dated 5 June 2018 for contempt of court and incitement to commit contempt, pursuant to Article 1(4)(a) of the Mechanism’s Statute (Statute) and Rule 90 of the Mechanism’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence (Rules). Judge Joensen was assigned as the Single Judge in this case on 11 September 2018. Subsequent to Defence challenges to the form of the indictments as well as a Prosecution motion to amend the indictment, the operative Indictment was filed on 21 October 2019.
On 10 October 2019, Judge Vagn Joensen, acting in his capacity as the Duty Judge for the Arusha Branch, confirmed an Indictment against Augustin Ngirabatware, dated 9 August 2019, for contempt of court and incitement to commit contempt, pursuant to Article 1(4)(a) of the Statute and Rule 90 of the Rules. Judge Joensen was assigned as the Single Judge in this case on 11 October 2019.
On 10 December 2019, Judge Vagn Joensen issued a decision joining the Ngirabatware case with the Turinabo et al. case. Each of the six accused pleaded not guilty to the respective count or counts charged against him or her.
On 22 October 2020, the trial commenced with the Prosecution’s opening statement, and nine Prosecution witnesses were heard between 26 October and 24 November 2020.
On 15 March 2021, the trial continued with the Defence’s opening statement, and six Defence witnesses (including 2 accused) were heard between 15 March and 9 April 2021.
Due to the passing of Mr. Turinabo in April 2021 and the resulting termination of proceedings against him, the operative Indictment filed on 21 October 2019 was replaced with a revised version on 12 May 2021 reflecting that Mr. Turinabo was no longer an accused in the case.
The parties filed their final trial briefs on 31 May 2021 and the trial concluded on 21, 22, and 23 June 2021 with oral closing arguments.