Additional Residual Mechanism Judges sworn in

The Hague

Four judges of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, who are located outside of the Mechanism’s two branches in The Hague and Arusha were today sworn in remotely by Registrar John Hocking: Aydin Sefa Akay (Turkey), Jose Ricardo de Prada Solaesa (Spain), Ben Emmerson (UK), and Aminatta Lois Runeni N’gum (The Gambia).

Earlier this week nine Judges who are currently serving in the ICTY were sworn in during a ceremony at The Hague. 

Additional Judges will be sworn in at a ceremony to be held next week in Arusha, during President Meron’s and Registrar Hocking’s mission to Tanzania. 

The Residual Mechanism has a roster of 25 judges who will serve both branches of the Mechanism as set out in the Statute. These judges were elected by the General Assembly on 20 December 2011 from a longer list submitted by the Security Council and following nominations from Member States of the United Nations.