MIP holds annual coordination workshop with EUROCLIO and national associations of history educators from the former Yugoslavia

On 6 April 2024, the Mechanism Information Programme for Affected Communities (MIP) organised an online workshop for members of the European Association of History Teachers (EUROCLIO) and representatives of associations of history educators from countries of the former Yugoslavia. Led by MIP youth outreach coordinator, Ms. Anisa Sućeska, the workshop aimed to provide a platform for consultation and planning of joint MIP/EUROCLIO activities for the 2024-2026 period.
During the workshop, it was decided to continue collaborative efforts and jointly organise 16 events, trainings, and workshops to enhance the understanding and knowledge of history teachers, educators, and education policymakers. A database of teaching materials addressing topics selected by teachers relating to the 1990s conflicts will be developed, including a selection of the ICTY and Mechanism archival material, teaching material as well as suggestions on how to teach sensitive topics such as the 1990s conflicts. Furthermore, MIP, national associations of history educators and EUROCLIO will work together to broaden the pool of certified trainers to increase the number of history educators equipped for responsible and appropriate use of the ICTY and Mechanism archival material and judicially established facts when teaching the history of the 1990s conflicts.
Finally, institutional cooperation with national stakeholders such as ministries of education and pedagogical institutes will remain a key focus, with planned events used to promote teaching materials and tools produced so far, such as the Guide for History Teachers: How to Use Archival Material of the ICTY and Mechanism in Teaching the History of the 1990s Conflicts (available in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian).
MIP has closely collaborated with EUROCLIO and national associations in the region of the former Yugoslavia since 2019, to conduct workshops for history teachers and educators and train them on the use of the ICTY and Mechanism archives. These workshops aim to enhance educators' skills and knowledge to effectively teach about the events of the 1990s conflicts. To date, over 50 workshops involving more than 600 history teachers have been implemented. Education of history teachers on the use of the ICTY and Mechanism archives form part of the wider MIP, which is funded by the European Union.
The aim of the MIP is to improve the knowledge and understanding of citizens and communities in the countries of the former Yugoslavia about the crimes committed during the conflicts of the 1990s, based on ICTY and Mechanism cases.